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Flexible and profitable operation that involves working closely with young children: setting up a Teddy Dance Club operation is very inexpensive!

About Teddy Dance Club franchises

At the time of publishing this page (Feb 2019) we are not actively marketing Teddy Dance Club Franchises; this will change when we formally launch the programme in Autumn 2019.

As of January 2019, Teddy Tennis, the forerunner  of Teddy Dance Club is being delivered by 60+ different franchisees located in such diverse locations as London, Milton Keynes, New York, Beijing, Shanghai, Canberra, Singapore, Cape Town, Durban, Bogotá, Dubai, Jeddah, Oman and Cairo…. and the numbers are growing.

Teddy Dance Franchise Enquiry Form

Watch our short video about the business benefits of running a Teddy Tennis franchise the sister programme to Teddy Dance Club, that has been operational for 11+ years.

The Teddy Dance Franchise package includes the following:
  • Exclusive right to deliver Teddy Dance in a pre-defined location or territory
  • The right to use all Teddy Dance intellectual material (songs, images, activities, lesson plans, etc)
  • Loan of the Teddy Dance Coach’s Manual: this manual is used in every Teddy Dance lesson and includes all the lesson plans, the activity cards and the coach’s CDs
  • Comprehensive training programme
  • Ongoing marketing and promotion support
  • Call centre, booking and payment facility (currently UK only)
  • Access to all new games, activities, songs and other Teddy Dance updates
FAQs for franchisees

Do I need to be a qualified dance teacher to set up a Teddy Dance Club franchise?

No you do not. We envisage that most Teddy Dance Club instructors and franchisees will have a keen interest in dance and may well be a qualified instructor but it is not mandatory.

Do I need to have access to a dance studio to run a Teddy Dance Club franchise?

No you do not. Teddy Dance Club lessons can be taught anywhere, inside or outside. The most important requirement is that the lessons are taught in a nice safe location that is warm and dry that is easy for the parents to get to.

There are lots of children’s franchise programs on the market, what are the Unique Selling Points (USP’s) of Teddy Dance Club?

Teddy Dance Club has many USPs but the top four are:

  • Teddy Dance Club Music: There are currently over 40 Teddy Dance Club songs in our music catalogue; each song has been specifically written and recorded by us so as to provide the right rhythm and timing for each dance move and dance skill. The words of the song tell the children what to do. No other children’s franchise programs has developed such a focused or extensive range of music to accompany their programmes.
  • Teddy Dance Club Pictures: every Teddy Dance Club move and skill development activity, of which there are currently over 40, is taught using pictures of teddy bears dancing at the  Teddy Dance Club; this simple, interactive approach to teaching young children works brilliantly.
  • The Teddy Dance Club Instructors: its unique, its comprehensive, it’s educational, it’s engaging, there is noting like it on the market and best of all young children love it. The Instructors manaual is also available on-line.
  • Teddy Dance Club Teaching System  is structured, curriculum based educational programme that provides for progression based on the children’s age, ability and experience.

How long has Teddy Dance Club been operating?

Teddy Dance Club is brand new and is only starting in March 2019.  However it’s sister programme, Teddy Tennis has been operational since 2008 and is now taught to thousands of children every week in over 17 different countries world wide.

Why should I open a Teddy Dance Club franchise instead of trying it on my own?

Teddy Dance Club teaching system is proven and works, brilliantly as we have demonstrated with Teddy Tennis, the sister programme of Teddy Dance Club.

To set up something remotely similar of your own is doable but it would cost hundreds of thousands of pounds, take several years to complete and by then Teddy Dance Club will have been further developed to make it even better still.

What makes a successful Teddy Dance Club Franchisee?

There are four characteristics that make a Teddy Dance Club Franchisee successful:

    • Integrity: i .e. commit to doing what you say you will do!
    • Drive: i.e. to make your Teddy Dance Club Franchise happen, it won’t do it on its own!
    • Time: i.e. time to devote to selling, marketing, managing and delivering Teddy Dance Club in your territory or at your club.
    • Passion: a passion for working with young children

What are the costs for setting up a Teddy Dance Club Franchise?

There are four costs that you will need to cover in order to set up a Teddy Dance Franchise or License

  • Franchise fees vary based on the size of your franchise territory or if you decide just to license one location.
  • There is a onetime training fee. This amount varies based upon the number of Coaches being trained and any travel/accommodation expenses.
  • Equipment: you will need at least one set of Teddy Dance Club equipment which includes the training manual, music, instructors clothing and some other Teddy Dance Club items. This cost can vary based on the number of locations.
  • Royalty Fees: the royalty fee is set at 10% of your gross revenue and is paid monthly, quarterly or at specified dates throughout the year in arrears.

Do you provide financing?

The set up costs for running a Teddy Dance Franchise are very reasonable however should you require some assistance in this area then we can set up a monthly payment option on the Franchise Fees.

Is the Teddy Dance business seasonal?

Yes and no; Teddy Dance is a year round business (particularly in nurseries and pre-schools) but it’s popularity does go up in the Spring and Summer which are very definitely the peak periods.

What is the normal size of a Teddy Dance Club Franchise operation?

A typical Teddy Dance Club territory covers a population base of 200,000 people +/- 10%. The geographic size in terms of area can vary enormously.

How long does it take for a typical Teddy Dance Club Franchisee to start making some money?

A Teddy Dance Club franchise will make some money when they receive payment for their first Teddy Dance lesson however it will take a little time for a Teddy Dance Club franchisee to establish a sustainable, profitable business; typically this is between 6 to 9 months.

Are there any limitations to how big I could make my Teddy Dance Club franchise

The only limitation you have to expanding your franchise is when you reach 100% saturation level of children aged 2 to 5+ attending Teddy Dance Club lessons in your area. To achieve anything close to this you will need to recruit a team of instructors to help you deliver the Teddy Dance Club lessons. You can of course expand you business by opting to purchase more Teddy Dance Club territories.

What support does Teddy Dance Club provide to its Franchises?

The company’s success is totally dependent on Teddy Dance Club franchises being successful too, hence we pay a lot of attention to business and dance support.
We focus on delivering 2 types of support:

  • Business Development: we require all franchisees to have monthly conference calls with Teddy Dance Club to discuss the development and expansion of their business and offer mentoring and advice as and when it is needed.
  • Marketing: good marketing is critical for the success of your franchise. Teddy Dance Club provides franchisees with a wide range of marketing material that has been designed to be customized so as to meet your specific needs… and if we don’t have want you need, we will create new marketing artwork that will deliver what you require as part of the service.

How do you deliver training for new Teddy Dance Club Franchisees?

Training is very important, even to well qualified dance instructors as the teaching system that is used in Teddy Dance Club is quiet different from conventional dance lessons. There are two methods to be trained to become a Teddy Dance Club Instructor:

  • Attend a Teddy Dance Club Training Course: Teddy Dance Club training courses are periodically held at designated centers in different geographic locations.
  • Have Teddy Dance Club Trainers deliver training at Your Location: If you have several coaches to be trained, it may be more economical to arrange to have Teddy Dance Trainers deliver Teddy Dance training at your location.

What plans do you have to further develop Teddy Dance Club?

It is our intention to keep Teddy Dance Club fresh, vibrant and new, hence we are continually writing new songs, creating new dance moves, new pictures and revising and developing new lesson plans: so you can expect to see a continual on – going evolution of Teddy Dance Club.

How soon can I get a Teddy Dance Club franchise up and running once I have signed the franchise agreement ?

After we have formally launched Teddy Dance Club in autumn 2019 this can happen very quickly.

Firstly we will need you to sign the Franchise Agreement, then need to organize your training and order your initial equipment. After your training we provide you with access to all the Teddy Dance Club Marketing material.

Once all the requirements are completed you will need to start marketing and planning for your initial complementary trial lessons and scheduling your first set of lesson: this whole process can be done in less than 1 month.

Can I speak to an existing franchisee to get their input on the program?

Yes, we very much encourage potential franchisees to not only speak to existing franchisees, but to see them delivering the programme too.

Where can I get more information about Teddy Dance Club?

There are two key sources of further information about Teddy Dance:

  • The Teddy Dance Club website:
  • YouTube: There are a large number of Teddy Tennis (our sister programme) videos on YouTube: go to and put Teddy Tennis in the search box and you will find them.

What are the next steps for me to set up a Teddy Dance Club franchise?

There are several steps we need to go through… but it is much less complicated than it may appear :

  • You submit to us a Teddy Dance Club Franchise Application Form, whihc will become available online in Summer 2019 at
  • You then need to do some local market research and find suitable locations to deliver Teddy Dance Club lessons including nurseries and pre-schools.
  • We need to have an initial conversation with you to discuss the opportunity and the location where you propose to deliver Teddy Dance.
  • You will need to submit a detailed business plan. We are happy to assist in developing your business plan with you.
  • We negotiate terms and send you a Teddy Dance Proposal and a Teddy Dance Franchise Disclosure document.
  • You schedule your Teddy Dance training and order your Teddy Tenn is equipment.
  • We send you the Teddy Dance Legal Agreement, you sign it and return it to us together with your Franchise fee…. you are then an official Teddy Dance Franchisee.