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Teddy Dance Club - a fantastic, new, curriculum based activity programme for young children that teaches dance moves, skills and techniques.

We inspire children aged 2 to 5+ years to get active and learn to dance.

It works by combining Music, Pictures and Teddy Bear Characters into a totally interactive learning adventure that young children love.

Why Teddy Dance

The biggest benefit Teddy Dance Club delivers to children is CONFIDENCE; this is derived by successfully learning the basic skills and techniques needed to dance whilst having FUN at the same time.

Book a Class

Teddy Dance Club Classes are divided into three age groups: 2½ – 3 years; 3 – 4½ years & 4½ – 5+ years; each set of classes provide progression based on age, ability and experience of the child.

More About Teddy Dance

Teddy Dance Club will be marketed worldwide as a franchise program from Autumn 2019, from when it will be available at sports & dance clubs, pre-schools, day care centers and nurseries.

Young children everywhere will love Teddy Dance Club!

Teddy Dance Club’s curriculum based teaching system has been developed using the Visual Auditory Kinesthetic (VAK) accelerated learning style:

Visual (See It)

Visual Learners are those
who learn by looking

Audio (Hear It)

Auditory Learners are those
that learn by listening

Kinesthetic (Do It)

Kinesthetic Learners are those
who learn best through physical activity

Applying the VAK multi-sensory learning approach to teaching has proved to be very effective, particularly for young children so when they do Teddy Dance Club, they see it, they hear it, they do it and they really get it…and they LOVE it too!

Our Clients Say It Best

Brilliant. The children get more interactive and better and better every week." - Amy Long, April 2019

Millie really loves the Teddy Dance Club lessons. She listens so well and does the moves at home. - Laurel Christer, April 2019

"Thank you so much for a great session. The children thoroughly enjoyed it. It was very exciting and the children really engaged with the teddy bears..... The activities were pitched at the right level for the children and they were all focused for a whole hour which is incredible.  After the session the children continued to talk about Chloe Bear and ask when they could do it again. I still have a couple of children who are still a little unsettled…

Nikki Tritton, Head of Nursery at John Henry Newman Academy - March 2019

Daddy, I really like teddy tennis (the sister programme to Teddy Dance Club)!

Levis Saunders (Aged 4),

We were approached by Teddy Tennis (the sister programme to Teddy Dance Club) in January 2014 when they offered us a free trial session for our Nursery Classes. Instantly the children were engaged. With clear instructions, actions to follow, music and pictures, activities pitched at just the right level, we decided to book 6 sessions. Since then we have gone on to hold an after school club, sessions in the three Reception classes and now this years Nursery intake have just…

Catherine Ashwell

Teddy Dance Club helps establish the basis of a healthy life style for children by making exercise and activity FUN and involving. Once children get the bug for being active, they will want to stay active for good.

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